Non-Profit Organizations

Mission-focused organizations can greatly benefit from working with our horses at equi-centered. The experience can result in an enriched working environment, improved peer relationships, and an increased sensitivity to one’s surroundings.

Our equine partners are great facilitators in:

encouraging better communication

Activities that promote discussion enable open communication. This may improve workplace relationships and in turn, elevate the quality of work done. Meaningful exercises with our herd can also help to bridge chasms between departments.

developing problem-solving skills

Unexpected situations happen. And the ability to adjust and recalibrate is critical to the success of an organization. Exercises that require coworkers to work together as a team to solve problems, whether sudden or anticipated, can improve the ability to respond when challenges arise.

promoting creativity

A change of venue is often a spark for new ideas. Taking a team outside of the office setting and exposing them to new experiences encourages them to look at things differently. Working together with other team members can ignite creativity and fresh ideas, new perspectives, and a renewed connection to the mission.

revealing hidden strengths

A staff retreat is often the chance to discover your team’s hidden skills. Many employees would like the opportunity to show what they’re capable of in addition to their existing proficiencies. An external outing may give rise to a situation that allows for those skills to surface.

learning how to take pride in being devoted to “the greater good”

Working for a 501(c)3 should be a source of pride. Instead, many of those whose careers are anchored in nonprofits often downplay the importance of their nonprofit commitment. Working with our horses can teach lessons about worthiness, self-esteem, and confidence.

to learn more contact us