organizational retreats


Corporations that want to do meaningful work to invoke change should consider equine-facilitated groundwork. Developing and expanding organizational functionality for the workplace enables improved communication and relationships, and ultimately elevates the performance of the entire team.

Our equine partners are great facilitators in:

encouraging better communication

Activities that create discussion enables open communication among employees as well as between employees and management. This can improve office relationships and in turn, elevate the quality of work done.

developing problem-solving skills

A major change can happen at any time. Team activities that require coworkers to work together to solve problems, whether anticipated or unexpected, can improve the ability to think rationally and strategically when challenges arise.

promoting creativity

Taking a team outside of an office setting and exposing them to new experiences encourages them to think outside of their normal routine. Working together with other team members can ignite creativity and fresh ideas, which are critical to the success of an organization. 

breaking the barriers

Working together as a team increases the comfort level of your employees. Exercises that give leadership the opportunity to be seen as a colleague rather than a boss can do wonders for morale, which, in turn, can foster an atmosphere of trust and collegiality in the workplace.

understanding how to express appreciation

One of the major reasons employees leave an organization is not salary related. Instead, it’s a lack of appreciation shown to the staff. And since different employees require different shows of appreciation, only through connecting and getting to know employees beyond their position can leaders and other team members understand how to best express gratitude for a job well done.

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